Step up to four times more clarity than HD, with Android TV. Everything you watch – sports, TV shows, movies – is upscaled for 4K Ultra HD viewing. Even 4K streaming is enhanced to maximize picture quality. Android TV comes with Google Cast, voice search and a huge collection of apps, games and content from Google Play.
- Multimedia Speakers
- 120 watts peak
- Front-facing subwoofer
- Refresh Rate: 60Hz (Native); Motionflow XR 240 (Effective)
- Backlight: Direct-Lit LED
- Smart Functionality: Yes
- Dimensions (W x H x D): TV without stand: 49.1″ x 28.8″ x 3.1″, TV with stand: 49.1″ x 30.4″ x 9.4″
- Inputs: 4 HDMI (HDCP 2.2/HDMI 2.0a), 3 USB